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The Flat Head Solution. Simple, Effective, Affordable, Safe.

For nearly three decades, parents have diligently followed the recommendations of the Back To Sleep campaign only to see one in four babies develop some form of head flattening. The Perfect Noggin allows parents to continue to comply with safe back sleeping practices without the worry of plagiocephaly. The patented, adjustable, soft foam liners are anatomically shaped to fit your baby`s head shape, and the platform design maintains the safest, most ergonomic head-neck-torso alignment.

The Perfect Noggin is the only infant sleep product with an adjustable, anatomically-correct contoured surface to ensure that your baby`s head stays round and symmetrical during the critical first few months of life. Unlike plagiocephaly pillows or repositioning devices that create unhealthy and potentially hazardous neck flexion, the elevated base and recessed head rest of the Perfect Noggin maintains the safest and most ergonomic head-neck-torso alignment for optimal breathing. 

Flat beds make flat heads; We keep ’em round! 

The Perfect Noggin was invented by renowned American paediatric plastic surgeon, Dr Gary Rogers M.D., J.D., LL.M., M.B.A., M.P.H. Babies with head positioning preferences due to torticollis are at risk of developing what is commonly called “flat head syndrome”. This manifests as brachycephaly (flattening at the back of the head) or plagiocephaly (flattening on one side of the head).

A lot of misinformation exists around the issue of flat spots on a baby’s head. Many companies employ predatory scare tactics to guilt new, often sleep-deprived parents into purchasing a product. Sleep positioners, pillows and weighted hats do not alter head shape and moreover may create unsafe sleeping environments. The gold standard for head reshaping is a cranial helmet – it is firm, and contoured to the desired head shape. Soft pillows, while claiming to “redistribute the weight of the baby’s head” will conform to the shape of the head laid onto it.

The Perfect Noggin is different. Your baby’s head lies on a fully contoured and anatomically correct rest. Whichever way your baby turns his or her head, it rests within a curved surface. This means that even while the baby undergoes physiotherapy to resolve the torticollis, the Perfect Noggin works. No more repositioning – no more constant waking, to try and turn your baby’s head to the non-flat side. Put your baby to bed in the Perfect Noggin, and go to sleep yourself, free from worry about flattening.

In addition, the Perfect Noggin is the ONLY sleep system to fit and grow with your baby, as the layer system continues to ensure an effective fit. Simply measure your baby’s head (with the tape measure provided) to identify the correct starting layer.

Does it work?

Many products claim to reverse or prevent flattening. Some may claim to be supported by clinical studies – many of these studies are not peer-reviewed, or have been “published” in low quality “pay to print” journals. If the study is old, ask yourself why further studies have not been undertaken – could it be that the “miraculous” results were not reproducible?!

Head over to the Testimonials page to see for yourself, or come and talk first hand to parents using the Perfect Noggin in the Facebook group (The Noggin Doctor’s Plagiocephaly & Torticollis Parent Discussion Board)

Some babies need a few days to adjust to the Perfect Noggin, and may become slightly fussier or less reliable sleepers when it is first introduced. We urge you to persevere – the goal is to avoid the need for a costly, intrusive helmet and if your baby is not keen on the Perfect Noggin, chances are he or she will also dislike a helmet.

For instructions and tips on usage, please refer to the product insert. If you have questions, please check out our FAQ section. If you can’t find the answer you need, please contact us by email, phone or via the Facebook group (The Noggin Doctor’s Plagiocephaly & Torticollis Parent Discussion Board)


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